looking back, it must have been because matilda had a special power. she was capable of using her mind to create beautiful and meaningful situations. sure, her first use of her special power was to get back at the trunchbull or her mean parents, but over time she came to use this magical aura to help others and further herself. her mind, her intellect, her curiosity, these things set her apart from all others. and she was able to use her own talents to create these fantastic situations to benefit herself or her beloved icon miss honey.
this work still stays with me today. i read it when i'm intellectually exhausted, when i can't sleep, or when i need to be reminded of the power of creative thinking. matilda's world and thoughts still ring true to me. she had a special gift to establish herself with (albeit magical and unrealistic) powers. i think that is what i strive to do every day. to find a way to create something beautiful with my mind. to use intellectual pursuits in a way that enhances the world and daily experience. i guess in a small way, that is what i hope this blog will do. it will provide a venue for me to discuss my attempts at creating something beautiful; it will describe my quest to sculpt a meaningful creation; it will recognize beauty and creation and show my attempts to contribute my own sort of substantial stamp on the world.
i hope that you find this a meaningful pursuit and contribute your own takes on what beauty and creation are. either way, i will continue on this quest and hopefully provide something worthwhile in the end.
This is a great first post! I love it. I also love the idea that a small, daily commitment to creativity and intellectualism can be quite large. It's a message everyone should hear!